Running Time: 52 minutes
Director: Ed Robbins, Producer/Reporter: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Filmed by Richard Malone
Year: 2008
Aired on: Channel 4
In the past five years more than four million Iraqis – 20 per cent of the entire population – have been driven from their homes as a result of the war and sectarian bloodshed. Two million have become exiles, living desperate lives across the border in Syria and Jordan. Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy investigates the biggest and most catastrophic refugee crisis in the Middle East since the Palestinian diaspora of 1948. The film travels to Syria and Jordan to investigate the plight of Iraqi refugees. These are the very people on whom the new, democratic Iraq was to be built – the professional middle classes – nearly half of whom now live as desperate refugees, driven out by the violence and civil breakdown.